I struggled with debilitating migraines since I was a young child, it was through trying to address these that I came to acupuncture. After doctors visits that would leave me with no answers, I kept looking. Chiropractors, healers, herbs, supplements, medications, meditations and finally acupuncture. Once I began acupuncture, my life changed, and I knew it was what I needed to do.
I believe acupuncture can help the body heal ANYTHING. The roots of our issues are typically found in our bodies not being able to relax. When we are in a constant stressed and wired state, it can prevent our bodies from healing as they need to. Instead, we wind up with chronic issues. When I do acupuncture, I utilize a style of scalp points and ear points that work specifically with the brain and nervous system to rewire those patterns and relax the body. From that place, your body is free to heal as it needs.